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How to create a safe home environment for your new puppy

Have you recently taken the plunge and decided to get a puppy? If so, you likely have done your research on how to look after your new puppy. But you may be wondering how you can ensure your home environment is safe for them. 


Puppies are very energetic and curious creatures. They can get up to all sorts of mischief! So, when puppy-proofing your home, you need to be thorough. Not to worry though, we have created this handy article to help you successfully puppy-proof your house ready for the new arrival.

new puppy sleeping
Matt Noble via Unsplash

Puppy-proofing your home for your new puppy

Before your new puppy moves in, it’s important they can explore without the risk of any injuries or hazards. This means puppy-proofing every space of your home, indoors and outdoors! 


Puppies will see everything in your house as their new favourite chewing toy. Therefore, you need to put your treasured items away out of their reach. Including anything potentially dangerous to puppies.  

1. Remove dangerous substances

Every household will have dangerous chemicals that a puppy should not accidentally ingest. Before your new puppy arrives, secure a safe place for your cleaning products, detergents, lotions, perfumes, makeup, and medication. The same goes for your handbag that could contain some of these products.


These chemicals can cause burns, bleeding, blindness, or death. If you think your dog ate something dangerous, get help from your vet right away. See below for the full list of chemicals to remove to create a safe home environment for your new puppy:


  • Bleach

  • Disinfectants

  • Drain cleaner

  • Oven cleaner

  • Ammonia

  • Paints

  • Gasoline

  • Mouse and rat poison

2. Hide electrical wires and cables

Puppies love to chew, especially when they are teething! So, you need to make sure that they can’t get access to any electrical wires and cables around the house. Wires and cables are a real risk to puppies. Never leave your new puppy unattended in a room where you know live wires are present. 


Curious puppies may mistake rubber cords near your lamp or behind the TV as chew toys. To ensure this doesn’t happen, you can either block these places off with furniture, or purchase cord protectors. Also, install electrical plug socket covers throughout your home to prevent your new puppy from getting electrocuted.


To prevent your new puppy from pulling down any hanging electrical wires, hide them from your lamp or TV. This will ensure their safety when they're being naughty. If you have children, also be wary of their electrical toys that often end up on the floor. 


Give your new puppy  lots of chew toys and treats to keep them entertained and prevent them from gnawing on things they shouldn't. See below for some of our favourites!

3. Keep human food away!

Your new puppy will not be able to resist any food within their reach. Whether it be from an open bin, or a bowl of food left on the table. Make sure to not leave human food out and keep bin lids shut and behind closed doors.


Human food can cause upset stomachs and vomiting in dogs. For example, chocolate and grapes are highly toxic and you should keep them out of sight. Food wrappers and packaging can also cause your new  puppy  to become very sick if they ingest them.


This is a complete list of foods that your new puppy (and dogs in general) should never eat.

  • Onions, Garlic, and Chives: Whether dry, raw, or cooked, these human foods are toxic to dogs. They can cause gastrointestinal irritation and red blood cell damage. 

  • Chocolate: Very poisonous to dogs. Chocolate contains theobromine (highest in dark chocolate) which is toxic to dogs and could cause kidney failure.

  • Grapes and Raisins: Both can cause severe liver damage and kidney failure. 

  • Macadamia Nuts: These carry harmful substances that could possibly impact your dog's muscular and nervous systems. This will result in weakness, swollen limbs, and panting.

  • Corn on the cob: While corn is safe for dogs to eat, the cob can get stuck in their intestines and cause a blockage. Therefore, making corn on the cob potentially fatal if eaten. 

  • Avocado: Avocado plants possess a compound known as Persin that can induce vomiting and diarrhea in canines and young dogs.

  • Alcohol: Even in minimal quantities, alcohol can significantly affect dogs. It can lead to sickness, diarrhoea, and even damage to your pup’s central nervous system.

  • Cooked bones: Yes, dogs love to chew on uncooked bones, but never give your pup cooked bones. They can splinter in large quantities and cause constipation or worse, perforation of the gut which can be fatal for your poor pup.

  • Artificial Sweeteners: Some foods and drinks have a sweetener called Xylitol. It is found in sugar-free products and even some peanut butters. If your dog digests this, they can go into hypoglycaemia. Linked to liver failure and blood clotting disorders.


If you think your new puppy ate any of these harmful human foods, go to the vet right away. These items can be fatal.

new puppy looking at food
Charles Deluvio via Unsplash

4. Remove poisonous plants

Even though cats are more likely to chew on plants, it doesn’t mean your curious new puppy won’t be tempted. To create a safe home environment, remove any potentially dangerous indoor and outdoor plants. Some plants and flowers known to be toxic to dogs are:


  • Daffodils

  • Aloe

  • Azaleas

  • Mums

  • Tulips

  • Lilies

  • Sago Palm

  • Hydrangeas 

  • Tobacco/marijuana plants (if you have them.)

Plants and flowers like these can harm your new puppy by causing skin issues, kidney and liver problems, or severe stomach irritation if eaten.

5. Block your stairs with a gate

Falling down the stairs can cause serious injury to anyone, even puppies. It's best to close or block off all doors leading to stairs. If you don’t have one already, consider purchasing a baby-gate to stop your pet from wandering up the stairs.  

6. Puppy-proof your garden!

When you have finished puppy-proofing the house, don’t forget about the garden. If you use chemicals on your lawn, you will need to keep your new puppy away from the grass. Also, check that your fences are strong with no small gaps for your new puppy to wiggle through.


Some other ways to make sure your garden is safe for your new puppy:


  •  Remove any plants that are toxic to dogs (as seen above). 

  • Clear away sharp objects and gardening tools

  • Remove unstable objects such as birdbaths or broken furniture that your puppy could trip on

  • Make sure your garden is clear of mushrooms as they can be fatal for dogs

  •  If you have a swimming pool, fence it off. You can teach your new puppy how to safely enter and exit the pool if it is open.

  • Put away harmful insecticides and fertilisers

  • Store away trash and garage supplies so your pup cannot reach them.

  •  Make sure there is plenty of water and shade.

puppy exploring garden
Dominika Roseclay via Pexels

While you are puppy-proofing the garden, don’t forget the garage. One of the potentially most dangerous places for your puppy to venture. Keep any dangerous chemicals in the garage out of reach – especially paint, motor oil, plant food and anti-freeze. Make sure that sharp objects, cables, and tools within the garage are secure as well.

Creating a safe home environment for your new puppy with WOOOF

Creating a safe home environment for your new puppy is crucial for their health and wellbeing. By puppy-proofing your house, you will ensure that your furry pal remains safe and happy both inside and outside your home.


We recommend providing your new pup a space of their own to retreat to if they feel anxious or overwhelmed. Create a comfy space with a crate, dog bed, and toys to help your puppy feel safe and relaxed in their new home.


We hope this article has helped you create a safe home environment for your new furry friend! If you are needing any further guidance, check out our other journals for puppies. Such as First 30 Days with your new puppy, and 3 ways to calm your puppy through puppy enrichment products

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